Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why Blog About Bigotry?

The internet offers the world many wonderful things - the best of which is the ability to freely express oneself. Unfortunately, with this wonderful freedom comes a nasty dark side and that is what this blog will expose.

Bigotry can mean different things to different people. The definition for bigotry that we'll use on this site is "a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own." Bigotry can come in the form of racism, religious intolerance, sexual orientation intolerance, or even political intolerance. It is way too prevelant in our society today, and I hope that this blog will start a discussion on the topic and raise the level of discourse on the web.


Anonymous said...

This is about the biggest pile of garbage I have ever read. Christians define Christianity, and Mormons have a different God, a different Jesus, and a different Gospel. According to Paul, those who preach another gospel are accursed. So, I guess Paul is a bigot by your standards. My suggestion is: get a lifer

Anonymous said...

This is the biggest pile of garbage I've seen on the web. Christians have a right to define Christianity - but Mormons yell bigot every time they point out that Mormonism doesn't meet the standard of being a Christian religion. Paul said that those bringing another gospel are accursed - I guess Mormons view him as a bigot too. My suggestion, get a life and stop wallowing in victimhood. It is immature and infantile. Christian